Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Phase II Scope of Work

Listed below are some of the great features of Phase II that are to come:

1. 1800 persons Sanctuary
2. Fellowship Spaces/MP Room
3. Youth Center
4. Children's Center: Assembly and Classrooms
5. Prayer Center
6. World Missions Center
7. Recreation Center Gym
8. Multipurpose Classrooms
9. Parking Plan and Traffic Management
10. Lobby and Cafe Expansion
11. Fellowship Areas: Cafe, Bookstore, Wifi Area
12. Production Studio for Media
13. Worship Center and Equipment Area
14. Library Expansion
15. ROLPLI (River of Life Pastoral Institue) facility
16. Professional Grade Kitchen
17. Office Expansion

We hope that you are excited about the future facility of ROLCC, let's dream together to build a glorious church!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pastor Tong's Vision for ROLCC

Thank God for his blessings to our church! Since moving into our current facility in 2003, we have reached the maximum capacity that our current facility can hold. We have a vision to build a glorious church of 5000 members through Worship and Praise, Cell Church, Holy Spirit Renewal, and Glocal (Global and Local at the same time) Impact. In order to reach our goal, we are in need of a new facility that will help us to reach the vision that River of Life Christian Church has.

Our immediate main focus for the next 10 years is to build up the next generation of youth and children to become future leaders in their communities. With our current demographic, we are specifically preparing to raise up the second generation of Chinese Immigrants, youth of both Mandarin and English cultures and children in helping them to find a home in River of Life Christian Church. Because of that, we strive to give them an environment that gives them a sense of belonging. We would like to provide an environment for the youth and children to develop themselves into being mature Christians who have the capability of influencing the generations that come after them. Educating the future generation to bring up future leaders is key to the growth and expansion of not only our church, but to the Christian Community as a whole.

ROLCC is also looking to establish a Christian Leadership and Pastoral Institution at our new facility with the purpose of training pastors and missionaries to go out into the world, both locally and globally, to do church planting and to make a difference in whichever community that they are in. River of Life Christian Church is heavily focused on being a church of Glocal Impact. Our goal is for every member and the church as a whole to influence the world both locally and globally. Our vision is to mobilize every member of our church to do market place ministry and therefore, one day, our whole church can be sent out as witnesses for Christ. Marketplace Ministry knows no limitations in terms of occupation or position and that is why this is so important for ROLCC.

Ultimately, the goal of River of Life Christian Church is to break the traditional boundaries and stereotypes of what a Church should be. We not only want to be a church for all people, we want to be a home for all people. We want to offer our facility as a space in which people can enjoy themselves and be able to grow not only spiritually but also in their personal lives. That is why our slogan for River of Life Christian Church is “A Home for All Nations”. Therefore, I invite you to partake in our vision and help us in building a glorious church in the city of Santa Clara, California.


Tong Liu
Founder & Senior Pastor

BFDC for ROLCC is now Blogging!

Welcome to River of Life Christian Church's BFDC blogspot, your destination for discovering any and all information that you might want to know about any renovation or construction projects that River of Life Christian Church is working on.

BFDC is pleased to announce that the long awaited Master Plan for Phase II is well on its way. If you are an ROLCC member, you must know that space is scarce at ROLCC these days and that is why BFDC hired RNL Design Group (www.rnldesign.com) in March 2008 to work with ROLCC in creating a Phase II that will encompass new meeting spaces, fellowship spaces, etc. in building a glorious church for the Lord!

Many exciting and new things are constantly coming up in this project and that is why we have created this blog for you. Please check back constantly to find the latest information or tidbit on the development of Phase II as this blog will be updated weekly! If you have any questions or comments regarding ROLCC's Phase II project, please feel free to email bfdc@rolcc.net and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!