Thursday, August 21, 2008

Phase II Plan of Action

The development of the Phase II Renovation will be carried out in 2 parts. Phase 2.1 will consist of building the Youth and Children Centers and will subsequently be constructed first. Phase 2.2 will consist of building an 1800 persons sanctuary and additional spaces as listed in BFDC's Scope of Work. ROLCC i s currently finishing the Master Plan with RNL Design, stay tuned to when the Master Plan will be completed and when construction will begin!

Frequently Asked Questions -PART 1

1. Why are we starting the design phase of Phase I?
River of Life Christian Church is currently over capacity with its current building space and usage. We would like to start designing Phase II so that we can build a Children's Center and Youth Center that would allow more room in the existing building for adult classrooms and overall church growth. Eventually, we will look to build a larger auditorium in the remainder of the Phase II space. The children and Youth Center will be our first priority.

2. Who will be the Architect for this project?
RNL Design is the architect firm that we have chosen for our Phase II Project. They are a large design firm based in Denver, Colorado with 3 other offices around the world including Phoenix, Los Angeles and Dubai. They have had experience in building over 100 churches and have also had experience designing in California. Please feel free to check out their website at

3. What was the process in finding the right candidate for the job?
In October 2007, BFDC sent out an RFP (Request for Proposal) to 28 architect firms in which 18 were out of state and 10 were CA based. After we received responses and portfolios from th firms that were interested, we invited 9 firms back to participate in a written questionnaire response. BFDC then invited 6 firms back to participate in a phone conference with the BFDC members based on the questionnaire, and eventually picked 4 candidates to hold an in-person interview with.
*Note: BFDC also invited 2 Architect Consultants to help advice BFDC on industry standards that have been helpful in selecting the right architect.