Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Come Join us on June 4, 2010 for I LOVE ROLCC Day!

June 4, 2010 is I LOVE ROLCC Day in ROLCC! Come and join us as we celebrate the past, present and future of ROLCC. Let's RE-IMAGINE our future together and fundraise together to build up our church and the Kingdom of God! There will be a special door gift that only those that come on Friday June 4, 2010 will receive. So C'mon, let's RE-IMAGINE our future together!

Festivities to include:
Complimentary Dinner starts at 6 PM in ROLCC Phase II. Dinner will stop serving at 7:15 PM so please be on time, otherwise you will only be left with pizza =)

(participation by Cell Group)

We have a very exciting group trivia competition going on right now in preparation for June 4. From now until May 30, 2010, you and your cell leaders have the opportunity to win a maximum of 20 AMC Movie Tickets for a group outing with your cell group! Just download the form from the post below for trivia questions and turn it into Frances by May 30, 2010 for your cell group to be eligible to win.
*Please note that all your cell members must be present on June 4 to obtain the maximum of 20 tickets, for example, if only 10 of your cell members show up on June 4 and you are the winning cell group, then your group will only receive 10 tickets for the 10 members that showed up. Come one, come all!


We are so privileged to have David Laflin come and minister to our children this year. He is a renown Christian Illusionist who tells Christian Stories while doing illusion/magic tricks. We will also have a balloon artist make fun balloon animals and hats for your children. This is an event that your kids will love, so be sure to bring your kids so that they can have fun while the adults have fun imagining our future together in the main sanctuary!

Youth Center Grand Opening!

The day that we have all awaited for has come! Jun 4, 2010 will be the Grand Opening of our Brand New Youth Center! We will have a ROLCC Talent Show as well as a Guest Performance by Supreme Soul from America's Best Dance Crew. They will also guest judge the talent show. Dinner for the youth also start @ 6 PM in the Youth Center. Adults will not be allowed to go into the Youth Center on June 4, 2010 until after our fundraising and celebration event is over that night, but there will also be a Youth Center Tour on June 6, 2010 on Sunday morning.

Adult Program:

We will announce our ROLCC Trivia and Cell Group winner during our program, as well as announce the winners for the Family Ministry Drawing Contest. We have the honor of having Pastor Dick Bernal of Jubilee Christian Center share with us on June 4, 2010 and we will also have the opportunity to show you how we are RE-IMAGINING our future and facility here at River of Life Christian Church.

We are so excited about our I LOVE ROLCC Day and we hope that you are too! Please come, bring your family and cell group members and let's celebrate and RE-IMAGINE our future together! See you then!


Please click on the image above for a large version of our Trivia. Remember, as a cell group, you must turn the trivia in on May 30, 2010. Please email your Cell Group Name, Cell Group Leader and Trivia Answers to frances@rolcc.net or simply place it in her mailbox in the office. Good luck!